
To begin configuring the resource, open the config.lua file and navigate to the main = { section.

Sound Volume

soundVolume = 0.7, -- This allows you to change the sound volume. The number should be a maximum of 1.0

You can edit the sound volume using the above variable. This can be a maximum of 1.0. Once again, we're utilising 3D sound, unlike the original TaserFramework, to enhance the realism for your server.

Barb Removal Range

rangeToRemoveBarbs = 25.0, -- This is the range of barbs, after this, they will remove automatically

This variable allows you to set the range at which barbs will remove automatically. By default, we've set this to 25m.

Arc Mode Range

arcModeRange = 1.2, -- This is the range your drive stun (arc) mode will operate in, you must be this close to another player

This variable allows you to set the range at which drive stun/arc mode will work within. By default, we've set this to 1.2m and we recommend this value.

Drive Stun Cooldown

driveStunCooldown = 1, -- This is the cooldown after using drive stun (arc) mode, before being able to use it again

This is the cooldown after using the drive stun/arc mode. By default, we've set this to 1 second.

Cartridge Reactivation Cooldown

cartridgeReactivationCooldown = 1, -- This is the cooldown between reactivations

This is the cooldown after reactivating a cartridge. You'll still be able to reactivate the other cartridge within the cooldown period though. By default, we've set this to 1 second.

Default Keybinds

selectRightCartridge = "PAGEDOWN",
selectLeftCartridge = "PAGEUP",
enableArcMode = 'X',
enableFlashlight = 'Q',
enableLaserSight = 'E',
enableSafety = 'Z',

These must be entered as strings. Select right/left cartridge keys are also used for reactivation. You can also set the keys for toggling arc, flash, laser and safety mode.

These are only default keybinds, your users are able to change the keys in their FiveM settings, as we've registered them as keymappings.

To do this, you can head to Settings -> Keybinds -> FiveM where you'll see all the different keybinds associated with the resource. This allows every player on your server to choose their own unique set of keybinds.

Flashlight / Laser Colour

flashlightColour = {221, 221, 221}, -- This is the colour of the flashlight
laserSightColour = {255, 0, 0}, -- This is the colour of the laser sight

This variable allows you to set the colour of the flashlight (white by default) and laser (red by default). Both values are in RGB.

Laser Sight Range

laserSightRange = 25.0, -- This is the range on the laser sight

This is the range on the laser sight. By default, we've set this to 25m.

Logging Settings

This is where you'll configure the logging settings. This isn't where you'll enter the webhook, you must do this in the sv_utils.lua file.

webhookOptions = {
        colour = 1752220, -- This must be in a decimal format, please find a list here:
        webhookImage = "", -- This is the image that will display in the webhook
        webHookName = "Axon Audit Trail" -- This is the name of the webhook

You can set the colour, which must be in a decimal format. The link here may help you in choosing a colour in a decimal format.

Afterwards, you can then set the webhook image that will be displayed and also the webhook name.

CID Position

By default, the CID is in the bottom right hand side of the screen.

cidXY = {0.94, 0.94}, -- {X, Y}

Below this, you'll see values for above the map, top left and top right.

-- Copy these into the CID for wherever you'd like it to be placed:
-- Above Map: {0.08, 0.73}
-- Top Left: {0.0625, 0.055}
-- Bottom Right: {0.94, 0.94}
-- Top Right: {0.94, 0.055}}

If you wish to change the CID to another place, copy one of the example values and replace the variable with it. For example, you may want to switch it to above the map instead.

Adding Additional Tasers

To begin, navigate to the tasers = { section of the config.lua file.

-- This section allows you to support additional taser models for your server
tasers = {
    [`weapon_stungun`] = { -- This is the model of the taser
        name = "Taser X2", -- This is the name of the taser and will appear in logs
        loadedCartridges = 2, -- Always keep loadedCartrides as 2
        ableToDriveStun = true, -- This enables/disables Arc Mode of the taser
        ableToReactivate = true, -- This enables/disables reactivating the taser

Adding additional tasers requires you to add them to the table wrapped in this symbol: `` (the model name within them).

You'll then need to define the name of the taser and the ability to drive stun/reactivate. For example, you may want to add another stun gun just for police in training, without the full set of features.


By default notifications use base GTA features and appear above the map. We also support mythicNotify. We have plans to support others in the future.

If you wish to enable mythic notify, head to the main.notifications = { section of the file.

main.notifications = {
    gtaAboveMap = true,
    mythicNotify = {
        enabled = false,
        mythicNotifyResourceName = "mythic_notify"

Simple enable or disable the options you want. If you need another notification resource integrating, just let us know.

Last updated

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