Configuring Fire Supply Line
Our easy config allows you to make adjustments to Fire Supply Line to suit your server.
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Our easy config allows you to make adjustments to Fire Supply Line to suit your server.
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Make sure your resource folder is named "Supply-Line" to allow integration with our Smart Hose resource. Do not rename the resource folder.
To begin configuring the resource, open the config.lua file within the resource folder. Some configuration values for the Fire Supply Line resource can be found in the Smart Hose config.lua file, given the two resources are heavily integrated and overlap in terms of configuration. Therefore, if you also have Smart Hose, we recommend reading the configuration documentation for that here.
Here's a video walking you through the Fire Supply Line configuration file.
This installation video was created by a third party.
The first part of the config.lua file allows you to adjust the different keys, such as connecting to the hydrant and the stop/start filling process keybind.
To find out the control number, see the FiveM Controls list here.
Try not to duplicate the use of controls, such as having the same keybind for connecting to the hydrant and picking up the hose (which is configured in the Smart Hose config.lua file), as this may lead to issues with the resource.
All elements of the resource can be translated into another language in the translations section of the config.lua file.
By default, Fire Supply Line utilises base game notifications but also provides support for QBCore, ESX, QBX and vRP notifications. If you want us to support another notification resource, get in touch and we'll do our best to integrate this.
Simply enable one of the various frameworks here in order to begin using a different notification system.
Our article on Configuring Smart Hose explains how to setup custom offSets for where a hose rope connects to a fire truck (which can be different for each model). There is also the possibility to do this for Fire Supply Line, meaning you can set the point at which a rope connects to the truck from the hydrant.
This section is optional and adding vehicle models here means you are able to have custom vehicle offsets. Not setting this up will mean that the centre of the vehicle is used instead.
To begin adding custom vehicle offsets, head to the VehicleOffsets part of the config.lua file:
Remember, any vehicle model names you add here must be wrapped in backticks: `` in order to allow the support of runtime hashing for resource efficiency.
This is different to the "" symbol.
By default, we've configured the fire truck to have a custom offSet, which is the point relative to the vehicle where the rope will connect to (directly from the hydrant). You may want to setup a custom offSet if your model has a valve at the side of the vehicle or at the back for example, in which you want the rope to connect to from a hydrant.
This is the x, y and z values relative to the vehicle. Here's how they work:
The X value moves left (minus) and right (positive).
The Y value moves backwards (minus) and forwards (positive).
The Z value moves down (minus) and up (positive).
Therefore, the default fire truck has an X value of 0.87
which will be 0.87
to the right of the vehicle. It has a Y value of 0.155
value meaning it will be forwards 0.155
. It has a Z value of 0.014
meaning it will be up 0.014
- all of which is relative to the vehicle.
Multiple offSets can also be used and setup in the table. For more information on finding offSets easily, see our Find Hose Positioning Developer Command below.
Instead of setting a custom offSet, you also have the ability to use bone connection points, such as bones on custom models or identified bones for base game models. A good list of vehicle bones can be found here, however you might find it easier to setup custom offSets.
To setup bones, enable useBone
and then add the bone names into the bones
table, such as this:
Multiple bones can be setup easily and the resource will find the one you are closet to.
To help assist you with finding the right offSet values for either the hose or supply line connection point, we've added an easy to use developer command
Here's a video explaining how to use the command:
To enable the /findhosepositioning command, firstly head to the config.lua file and enable the EnablePositioningCommand value (make sure to turn it off again after).
Once in-game, jump into the driver seat of your desired fire truck and run the command which will begin the process of finding the offSet values.
Next, your vehicle should turn transparent as seen here:
You should then see a football prop inside the vehicle. This can be moved using the following keys:
Arrow Up - move the prop forwards
Arrow Down - move the prop down
Arrow Left - move the prop left
Arrow Right - move the prop right
Page Up - move the prop up
Page Down - move the prop down
Ideally, you want to position this football at the point where you want the rope to connect at, which might be the valve on your fire truck or somewhere else. Once you are finished, press ENTER.
Now you have completed the process, your vehicle will return to normal and the football prop will be deleted, it was simply there to help you find the positioning.
The offSet values have now been printed into your console, you can now copy these into the VehicleOffsets section of the Fire Supply Line config or the Smart Hose config.
The HydrantOffsets section of the config.lua file allows you to set the offsets at which the rope connects to a hydrant. We've set this up for the three main hydrants by default, however you may want to change this if your hydrant model is different for your server/community.
This works in the same way as setting the offset for vehicle rope attachment, but this time it is relative to the hydrant prop. Hydrant offsets is also used to set which props you can interact with, such as the three pre-configured fire hydrants.
The next part of the config.lua file allows you to setup permissions straight out of the box for ace permissions, QBCore, ESX or vRP. If you are using another permission system, make the necessary changes in the sv_utils.lua file.
This is the permissions which determine whether a user can connect a fire truck to a hydrant.
Multiple permissions can be enabled at once, such as ace permissions and a framework job check. By doing this, a user only has to have one of the enabled permissions (not both) in order to connect a fire truck to a hydrant.
By enabling ace permissions, only users with the "usehose" permission are able to interact with the hose and draw it from a fire truck.
Enabling ESX in this section will switch on ESX permissions, requiring a user to have one of the configured jobs in the Jobs table, such as "fireman" which is setup by default.
Enabling vRP in this section will switch on vRP permissions, requiring a user to have either a certain group or permission depending on what is enabled.
Enabling QBCore in this section will switch on QBCore permissions, requiring a user to have either a certain group or permission depending on what is enabled.
Enabling QBX in this section will switch on QBX permissions, requiring a user to have a certain group from the Jobs table, such as "fireman" which is setup by default.
If you want to setup your own custom framework/permission check, head to the UserHasPermission function in the sv_utils.lua file and make the necessary changes. If you need any help, reach out to our team who will do their best to advise you.
As explained on the previous page, Fire Supply Line has an included /hydrant [setup/remove] command in order to allow you to place hydrants down in remote areas. To enable and configure the command, head to the PlaceHydrantCommand section of the config.lua file:
This allows you to enable/disable the command and also set the command name, plus arguments.
Within the PlaceHydrantCommand section is the Permissions section, allowing you to setup permissions specifically for the use of the /hydrant [setup/remove] command. However, in order to enable permissions for this, you'll need to turn on EnablePermissions.
Permissions for the PlaceHydrantCommand work in the same way as permissions for the use of the hydrants, previously explained in this article. The only difference is that ace permissions will use the default syntax of command.commandName, meaning you'll need to give users the command.hydrant
permission instead of setting your own ace permission. You are also able to setup support for QBCore, ESX, vRP or QBX permissions in the same way as done for hydrant usage.