Configuring the resource

Restricted Vehicle Classes

    restrictedVehicleClasses = {
        18, -- Emergency
        19, -- Add other signs here

This section of the config.lua file allows you to restrict which vehicle classes a sale sign cannot be setup on, such as emergency vehicles (police). For a full list of vehicle classes, see here.


Command = {
    enabled = true,
    commandName = "salesign",
    description = "Install a car sales sign on any vehicle",
    subCommands = {
        install = "install",
        remove = "remove",
        edit = "edit",

This allows you to configure the sale sign command and also the arguments used, along with the chat suggestion which will appear in-game.


Notifications = {
    Enabled = true,
    Framework = {
        QBCore = false, 
        QBX = false,
        ESX = false,
        vRP = false, 
        okok = false, --

This section allows you to enable notifications, including framework integrations including QBCore, QBX, ESX, vRP and okok. By default, base game notifications on top of the map will be used.


Translations = {
    noPermission = "You do not have permission to use this command.",
    noSignInstalled = "There is no sale sign installed in this vehicle.",
    signAlreadyInstalled = "There is already a sale sign installed in this vehicle.",
    priceUpdated = "Vehicle price updated successfully",
    signInstalled = "New sale sign installed on this vehicle.",
    signRemoved = "Sale sign removed from this vehicle.",
    invalidCommandUsage = "Invalid usage. Correct usage: /salesign [install/remove/edit]",
    mustBeInVehicle = "You must be driving a vehicle to setup a sale sign.",
    nowEditingSign = "You are now editing the sale sign on this vehicle.",
    signEditComplete = "Sign editing complete.",
    cantInstall = "Cannot install a sale board on this vehicle.", -- Used when vehicle is convertible and roof is down
    mustBeDriver = "You must be in the driver seat to manage the sale sign.",
    inventoryItem = "You must have the inventory item to setup a sign",

This section allows you to translate the resource into another language.

Permissions & Item Integrations

For permission and item integration, see the next few pages!

Last updated

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