Common Errors

Here you will find common errors and solutions to resolve them!

You lack the required entitlement to use

This error may appear in the client console or server console. To fix this, please make sure that you are using a server licence key from the same account the resources were purchased through.

All resources run using the FiveM Tebex Escrow System. This means that assets hold a licence to a resource on a Keymaster account, which be transferred once per resource. Only servers using a licence key from that Keymaster account will be able to run the resource successfully.

To resolve this error, we recommend checking your server licence key is the one from the account where you downloaded the resource. You will also need to restart the server after installing it.

We also recommend making sure that your server artifacts are up to date.

Syntax error near '<\1>'

This error may appear in the client console. To fix this, we recommend you firstly checking the contents of the resource folder that you have installed on your server. Please make sure there is a .fxap file as seen in the photo below:

Some file transfer softwares either corrupt this file, or do not transfer it over properly. We recommend using WinSCP to install your resource, if your server is on a remote computer. You can download WinSCP here. FileZilla has been known to corrupt the .fxap file in the past, which is required for the resource to run properly as per the Keymaster system, so we recommend using WinSCP.

Failed to load script @es_extended/imports.lua

This error may appear in the server console. If you do not use ESX on your server, simply head to the fxmanifest.lua of the resource producing the error and comment out or remove the ESX line as follows:

shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'

Once this has been removed from the fxmanifest.lua file, your error will no longer appear.

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