Configuring the resource
Configuring the Congestion Charge resource is simple!
Developer Mode
Enabling developerMode in the configuration file allows you to use the /cc command in-game to setup new cameras and delete existing ones, which will be covered in the next document.
Having developerMode enabled also enables blips by default, allowing you to see where the cameras are located.
Blip Settings
By default, blips are disabled, which will display the 400+ included locations around the city. In this section, you can enable blips and also configure the sprite, colour, scale and display.
Load Distance
This distance is the load distance for Congestion Cameras, meaning they will only appear when you are this close to them.
Vandalising Cameras
This section allows you to disable/enable the ability to vandalise cameras. Cameras can currently be vandalised by gun bullet however we are hoping to add more ways to vandalise them in the future.
The repairTime is set in minutes, so by default all cameras will be repaired after 1 hour (60 minutes).
Charges / Billing
This section of the config allows you to configure the way players are charged, such as okokBilling or mBilling. Just enable your preferred resource, or integrate your own one in the sv_utils.lua file, or suggest an integration.
The defaultCharge property is not where you set the current charge for an existing zone, as that is done in the .json file and will be explained later.
This section allows you to configure whether the on-screen receipt is displayed to the user after being charged by a Congestion Charge camera. By default, the receipt is configured to display for 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) on the user's screen. To change the receipt texture, you'll need to open the .ytd file in OpenIV and export/import the textures.
Society Payment
Congestion Charge supports the ability for your chosen society to receive either the full Congestion Charge collected, or a percentage of it. To turn this on, firstly enable it at the top of the section, followed by setting the account name.
The contributionPercentage is the amount of each charge that will be provided to the society. For example, if you set this to 50%, only half of all collected charges will be paid to the society.
The integrations section allows you to enable your preferred society payment resource, such as qbBanking, okok banking, esxAddonAccount, qbManagement and qbBossMenu. If you want a resource that isn't included, feel free to edit the function in sv_utils.lua or suggest an integration.
Notification Support
We've provided notification support straight out of the box for ESX, QBCore, QBX, vRP and okokNotify. If you have notifications enabled but do not select a framework, the resource will use base game notifications on top of the minimap.
Exemption Sets
The next part of the documentation will explain how to setup exempt vehicle models, jobs, permissions and vehicle classes. The exemptions in Congestion Charge work off exemption sets, which are essentially groups of vehicles, jobs and permissions under one name - such as a "police" exemption set, which you can see below:
Exemption Set Name
Each exemption set must have a unique name, such as "police", which will be later referenced in the locations.json file (and will be discussed soon).
Exemption Vehicle Classes
We've added the ability for you to make whole vehicle classes exempt, such as emergency vehicles (class 18). For a full list of vehicle classes, see here.
In this section, you can enable permissions for ace permissions (base game), ESX, vRP and QBCore, allowing you to make certain jobs or permissions exempt under that set.
Adding an exemption set to an existing Congestion Zone
Most servers who use this resource will likely only use the pre-configured city zone, which is the default zone with over 400 cameras. Therefore, if you have added additional exemption sets other than the pre-configured "police" set, you will need to add these into the locations.json file.
To find this, open the data folder within the resource files and you'll find the locations.json file.
Next, find the Congestion Zone you wish to modify the exemption sets for, such as "city".
Let's say you wanted to add a new exemption set called "green", for fuel efficient vehicles on your server. You'd add it like this:
Next, you'll need to save the file and restart the resource for the changes to apply.
Adding Cameras & Modifying Zones
To add cameras and modify zones (such as the price charged to drivers), see the next page.
Last updated
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