Configuring the resource
We've made it simple to configure Smart Speed Cameras
We've made the config.lua file for Smart Speed Cameras as simple as possible so it works straight out of the box for you. However, there are still some values you might want to change so we'll talk you through them in this documentation.
Please note that the resource is named Average Speed Cameras on Keymaster / Cfx Portal as we have no way of changing this. Please make sure the resource is named SmartSpeedCameras.
Developer Mode
This is relevant for adding new cameras on the next page, so enable that if you're planning on adding new locations (but remember to turn it off again after).
Developer mode also enables blips for the cameras around the map.
addPercentage & addLimit
This allows you to add a % lee-way for speeding drivers. For example, if you set this to 10.0 and you had a speed camera with a limit of 30mph, drivers would only activate the camera when going faster than 33mph, allowing a 10% leeway of 3mph.
addLimit allows you to add a certain amount of mph or kph in addition to the 10% lee-way. For example, the rule across your server may be a 10% + 2 rule, so set addLimit to 2.
This allows you to switch the resource to using kmh. By default, all of the pre-configured cameras in the two .json files are in MPH, so you may want to manually edit this for your region.
exemptVehicleClasses & exemptVehicleNames
This allows you to set classes of vehicle, eg, police (18) that are exempt from activating the speed cameras. You can also specify individual vehicle names if you prefer.
Exempt Emergency Lights
This configuration value allows you to exempt vehicles if their emergency lights/sirens are switched on. Cameras will still flash, however no fines will be issued to the driver.
Exempt Jobs & Permissions
The Exemptions part of the configuration file allows you to setup exemptions for Ace Permissions, ESX, vRP, QBCore and QBX.
Blip Modes
Here you are able to enable blips around the map for both types of cameras. You can then set whether you want these blips to be short range and also set the scale of the blip. This may be best for developers who are adding more camera locations around the map to visualise the placement.
Here you are able to adjust the various settings for notifications. We support notifications for QBCore, ESX, vRP, okokNotify and Mythic Notify.
Here you are able to adjust the various settings for fines. You are able to set the minimum and maximum fine amount for cameras, in which a random number will be selected each time.
We've also enabled society integration for the following:
QB Management
qb Banking
okok Billing
Below these you are able to select the account name, to have the money paid into the society of your choice.
Here you are able to translate the resource into another language.
Last updated
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