Feel free to adjust the various item settings depending on your server requirements!
vRP Inventory Support
Firstly, head to the config.lua file and enable vRP in the config. Next, add the following line of code into your vrp/cfg/items.lua file:
["drone1"] = {"Drone1","Drone 1",function(args) return droneGen("drone1") end,0.1},
["drone2"] = {"Drone2","Drone 2",function(args) return droneGen("drone2") end,0.1},
local function droneGen(itemName)
local fgen = function(args)
choices["Use"] = {function(player,choice)
local user_id = vRP.getUserId(player)
if user_id ~= nil then
TriggerEvent("Server:DroneItem", player, itemName)
return choices
return fgen
Core Inventory support is built into the resource. To start, head to the config.lua file and enable Core Inventory support within the resource.
We've done the rest for you and ensured that our Core Inventory support works for QBCore or ESX servers, so make sure you've also enabled QBCore or ESX within the config.lua file.