Editing fire types

You will find the Fire Types towards the end of the configuration file in a section labelled fireTypes = {.

Although we have setup fire types by default, you may want to tweak these or even remove some of them and add others.

We'll work with the normal fire type as an example on configuring this, explaining what each line means.

["normal"] = {
        dict = "core",
        name = "fire_wrecked_truck_vent",

This begins with the name of the fire type in square brackets, seen as [normal]. The particle dictionary and name for the fire type are then set. A full list of particles can be found here. We recommend searching for the term 'fire' and experimenting with different particles if you are looking to create your own fire types. Feel free to share these with others on our Discord server.

smoke = {
            enabled = true,
            type = "normal2",
            sizeMultiplier = 0.4, -- This is the size of smoke compared to the size of the fire
            keepAfterFire = true,
            keepAfterFireDuration = 30, -- This keeps smoke in the area for x seconds after the fire
            keepAfterFireSize = 0.5, -- This is the size of smoke after the fire compared to the initial size

The next section allows for configuration of the smoke with the fire. You can easily disable this by setting smoke to false. It is possible to create different types of fires by simply changing the type of smoke combined with it. This is how an electrical fire is created, simply with a sparking smoke effect, you could easily do the same with new types.

The type of the smoke must be the name of a smoke you setup in the smoke section of the config, which the next section will give more information on.

The size multiplier is how large the smoke should be compared to the fire size. A multiplier of 0.4 would make it 40% of the size of the fire. You can experiment with different multipliers until your fire size is perfect.

The keep after fire property determines if the script should spawn in fresh smoke after the fire has been put out, as would often happen in real life.

The keep after fire duration determines how long the fresh smoke should remain in the area before it is automatically removed by the script, if keep after fire is enabled.

The keep after fire size property is also a multiplier, but different to the main size multiplier while the fire is still active. This is the size of the smoke that should be created after the fire has been extinguished, as a multiplier of the initial size of the fire.

toPutOut = { weapons.water, weapons.extinguisher, weapons.foam, weapons.waterMonitor },
toIncrease = {},

The next section allows you to determine how the fire responds to different weapon types. These must be weapons setup in the config and this will be explained in a further section.

The toPutOut value means that any weapons listed here will put out the fire, whereas the toIncrease section will make the fire increase in size. Leaving this blank means no weapons will increase the size of this fire.

Only weapons configured here will work on the fire which is why it is important to configure this in advance.

multiFlamesAllowed = true, -- This defines if multiple flames are allowed for this fire type
maximumMultipleFlames = 16, -- This defines the maximum flames allowed for this fire type

This determines if multiple flames are allowed for this fire type and also the maximum number of multi flames permitted. If a user tries to exceed this limit, the fire will not start and they will be alerted to this.

difficulty = 10, -- This is how difficult the fire is to put out (out of 50)

This is the difficulty of the fire, a score out of 50 that will make the fire harder or easier to put out. We recommend experimenting with this and finding what is best for your server with the level of realism associated with each fire type.

maximumFireSizeManual = 10.0, -- This is the maximum fire size that can be created using the create fire command
minimumFireSizeAutomatic = 1.5, -- This is the minimum fire size that is started automatically (if automatic fires are enabled)
maximumFireSizeAutomatic = 4.5, -- This is the minimum fire size that is started automatically (if automatic fires are enabled)
maximumFireSizeWhenExtinguishing = 10.0, -- This is the maximum fire size that can be created automatically (such as using the wrong weapon to increase the size, such as water on an electrical fire)
minimumFireSizeManual = 0.5, -- This is the minimum fire size that can be created using the create fire command

These settings allow you to define the maximum and minimum fire size for both maual and automatic fires.

Additionally, the maximumFireSizeWhenExtinguishing property is the maximum size a fire can increase to when a weapon is being used on the fire that would increase the size of it and is included in the toIncrease section. This prevents a fire becoming unrealistic and out of control if the wrong weapon is used on it for a long amount of time.

damageDistance = 1.5, -- The distance a player must be nearby to be damaged by the fire

This is how close a player must be to the fire to be damaged by it. You may want to increase this for fire types that are stronger for example and find what works for your server.

offSet = {
            x = 0.0,
            y = 0.0,
            z = -0.4,

The offSet section should only be used if you find fires are spawning below the ground or too high off the ground. The x value adjusts this to the left and right, y value for forwards and backwards and z value is for up and down.

This may be needed if a particle has an offset too high, meaning a fire may be floating above the ground when it is spawned in. The offSet section can rectify that.

Last updated

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