Configuring the resource

Resource Settings

ObjectModel = "rescuebasket",       -- Rescue Basket vehicle model by Ace - Prime Modifications © 2022
HelicopterRopeOffsetZ = 0.0,        -- You can define a Z offset here for the rope to attach to this position. (x, y are not adjustable in regards to physic limitations.) 
MaxRopeLength = 75.0,               -- Format: Number.Decimal. More than 100 is actually really long lol, 400/500+ bugs the script.
RopeType = 2,                       -- 2 and 3 are nice ones. 1 to 4 are thick ropes. 5 and up are thin ropes.
RopeReelInSpeed = 2.5,              -- lower = slower, higher = faster.

HelicopterRopeOffsetZ is your Z offset. The x and y offsets are not configurable.

MaxRopeLenth is defaulted to 75.0, placing this to 100 is highly long. Please note that 400+ will bug this script out.

RopeType has multiple styles. 2 and 3 are the best ropes. While 1 to 4 are the thicker ropes 5 and up are thinner.

RopeReelInSpeed is the setting to change the speed of the reel of the rope. The lower the setting the slower the rope is while the higher the setting the faster the rope is.

Resource Sound Settings

EnableSound = true,
SoundVolume = 0.3,  

You can enable and disable the sound by changing the true/false value.

SoundVolume = 0.3 is where you can change how loud the audio is, you can go from 0.1 to 1.0, we do not recommend any higher than 0.5.

Changing the winch Sound

The audio of the winch is a great sound already however, if you want to have this changed you can go into the Sounds folder where you will find winch.ogg.

Rope Length Meter

 -- Rope Lenght Meter
    DrawRopeLenghtAndAltitudeUI = true,                                  -- Draws a UI with your rope's length and/or the altitude.
    DrawRopeLenght = true,                                               -- Or disable one of the two, set TextData for this UI.
    DrawAltitude = true,                                                 -- Or disable one of the two, set TextData2 for this UI.
    TextColours = {255, 255, 255, 225},                                  -- RGBA (c_functions.lua to edit it even more.)
    BackGroundLayer1 = {0.8950, 0.8875, 0.124, 0.064, 0, 0, 0, 75, 0},   -- x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a, ya
    BackGroundLayer2 = {0.8950, 0.8875, 0.120, 0.06, 0, 0, 0, 150, 0},   -- x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a, ya
    TextData = {0.8390, 0.8590, 0.4, 0.4},                               -- x, y, scale, size for Rope Lenght. -- Use this alone? Use: {0.8390, 0.8690, 0.4, 0.4},
    TextData2 = {0.8390, 0.8845, 0.4, 0.4},                              -- x, y, scale, size for Altitude. -- Use this alone? Use:  {0.8390, 0.8690, 0.4, 0.4},
    MeterColour = "~c~",                                                 -- use ~s~ to disable colours.

DrawRopeLenghtAndAltitudeUI = true, this option allows you to enable or disable the UI.

DrawRopeLenght = true, this will give the rope length in the UI if disabled it will not show up on the UI

DrawAltitude = true, this will give the altitude of your helicopter into the UI.

TextColours = {255, 255, 255, 225}, this allows you to change the colours of the text which is currently white. To edit this even more you can go to cl_utils.lua

BackGroundLayer1 allows you to change the size and colour of the meter UI.

BackGroundLayer2 allows you to change the size and colour of the meter UI.

TextData and TextData2 allow you to change the scale and size of the text. TextData is for the rope length while TextData2 is for the altitude.

MeterColour = "~c~", allows you to enable the colour, if you do not want any colour change this to ~s~


    SpawnRescueBasket = 51,                 -- E (if you change these 2 variables, change: RescueBasket3DText(2) as well.)
    SitOnRescueBasket = 51,                 -- E

    StartConnectingRescueBasket = 73,       -- X
    AttachRescueBasketToHeli = 73,          -- X
    Detach = 73,                            -- X (hold down)

    Down = 187,                             -- Arrow down
    LockRope = 190,                         -- Arrow Right
    Up = 188,                               -- Arrow up

You can change the keybindings to this resource, using the link we've provided by clicking here you can get the IDs of each key.

Please note if you change the SpawnRescueBasket or SitOnRescueBasket please make sure to change the message variables to the key you've changed it to.

RescueBasket3DText = "Press E to get off rescue basket",
RescueBasket3DText2 = "Press E to lay down onto the rescue basket",

Last updated

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