Editing smoke types

We've setup a few smoke types by default in the configuration file, however you may wish to modify these or even add your own. Thankfully, the process is much quicker than creating fire types and each smoke type has minimal configuration.

Begin by navigating to the config.lua file and smoke types are found in the smokeTypes = { section.

We'll be using the normal smoke type as an example and each configuration value will be explained below.

["normal"] = {
        dict = "scr_agencyheistb",
        name = "scr_env_agency3b_smoke",

The name of the smoke type is within brackets and this can be changed easily.

The particle dictionary and name for the smoke are then set next and similar to fire types, they can be found here. We recommend searching for the term 'smoke' if you are looking to experiment and create your own smoke types.

maximumSizeManual = 20.0,
minimumSizeManual = 1.0,

These values allow you to set the maximum and minimum size that can be created using the start smoke command. If a user tries to exceed or go below these numbers, the smoke will not create and they will be alerted to that.

offSet = {
            x = 0.0,
            y = 0.0,
            z = 0.0,

Similar to editing fire types, smoke types also feature an offSet section. We only recommend editing this if you are experiencing an issue where a smoke type will not spawn in a correct position, such as being too far into the ground or floating above the ground to an insufficient extent.

The x value controls movement left and right, y is for forward and backwards, z is for up and down.

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