Fire Alerts

We've added alerts for Automatic Fires, Manual Fires and Explosion based fires within Smart Fires. To start configuring this, head to the fireAlerts section of the config.lua file.

fireAlerts = {

Alert Types

The alert types section of the config.lua file allows you to configure which type of fires your players will receive notifications for:

alertTypes = {
            automaticFires = true,
            manualFires = true,
            explosionFires = true,

By default, this is enabled for automatic fires, manual fires and explosion based fires.

In Game Alerts

Along with blips and waypoints, this is the default way of receiving notifications for automatic fires.

inGameAlerts = {
            notification = true,
            sound = { -- (titles are the audio ref)
                enabled = true,
                soundName = "CONFIRM_BEEP",
                soundSet = "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET",

By default, this is configured to use a sound along with a notification above the minimap. You may want to disable/change this if you are using an alternative notification method.

Blips and Waypoints

Blips and waypoints are the default way of receiving notifications for automatic fires.

Blips are a valuable way of adding an icon to the map to display locations of automatic fires. We've also added the ability to add automatic routing to blips, speeding up the response for firefighters. To setup blips, navigate to the blips = { section,

blips = {
            enabled = true,
            sprite = 436,
            colour = 49,
            scale = 1.0,
            shortRange = false,
            routeEnabled = true, -- This sets up a route on the map to the blip
            routeColour = 49,

If you want to disable blips, set enabled to false. The sprite and colour option can be set by using this reference found here (scroll down for colours). Please ensure the sprite and colour you use is valid.

Next, the scale of the blip is the size. This is a multiplier so if you find the blips are too small, increase this slightly. You may need to experiment with this to find the best option for your server.

The shortRange option determines whether blips should be displayed only when nearby. By default, we've got this option disabled as it is important for firefighters to know where the exact location is from a distance, not when they are nearby.

Lastly, you can easily enable a route on the map to the blip by default, by enabling routeEnabled. The route colour also uses the same colour selection as the blip colour, found here. Please ensure a valid colour is used.

Blips and rotues will only be visible to those that are using the specified job/permission within the main section (if this is configured). Alternatively, it will only be shown to those that are clocked on if you are using our clock on system. If no system is used, the blips and routes will be shown to all players.


This allows you to configure integration with CDispatch.

cdDispatch = {
            enabled = true,
            jobs = {'safr'},
            title = 'Smart Fires',

Core Dispatch

This allows you to configure integration with Core Dispatch.

coreDispatch = {
            enabled = false,
            code = "20-12",
            jobs = {'police'},
            notificationTime = 3000,
            blipSprite = 11,
            blipColour = 5,
            priority = true,

RCore Dispatch

This allows you to configure integration with RCore Dispatch

rcoreDispatch = {
            enabled = false,
            resourceName = "rcore_dispatch",
            jobs = {'police'},
            priority = "high",
            displayCode = "10-420",
            alertType = 'alerts',
            blipName = "New Fire",
            radius = 0,
            blipTime = 5, -- Time in seconds before the blip fades
            blipSprite = 436,
            blipColour = 1,
            blipScale = 1.5,
            blipLength = 3,
            blipflash = true,
            imageUrl = '', -- Insert your image URL here
            soundUrl = '' -- Insert your sound URL here

Quasar Dispatch

This allows you to configure integration with Quasar Dispatch

qsDispatch = {
            enabled = false,
            resourceName = "qs-dispatch",
            jobs = {'fire', 'police'},
            callCode = {
                code = '',
                snippet = '',
            message = '',
            flashes = false,
            image = '', -- URL here
            blipSprite = 436,
            blipColour = 1,
            blipScale = 1.5,
            blipLength = 3,
            blipflash = true,   
            blipText = "Fire", 
            blipTime = 60000, -- Time in milliseconds before the blip fades

Sonoran CAD

This allows you to configure integration with Sonoran CAD, which requires the call commands plugin to be installed on your Sonoran CAD server.

sonoranCAD = { -- This requires the call commands plugin
            enabled = false,
            title = "New Fire Alert",

PS Dispatch

This allows you to configure integration with PS Dispatch

psDispatch = {
            enabled = false,
            jobs = {'police'},
            resourceName = "ps-dispatch",
            displayCode = "10-420",
            blipName = "New Fire",
            priority = 1,
            radius = 0,
            blipSprite = 436,
            blipColour = 1,
            blipScale = 1.5,
            blipLength = 3,
            blipflash = true,
            icon = 'fas fa-fire-extinguisher',

Inferno Pager

This allows you to configure integration with Inferno Pager

-- This allows integration with the Inferno Pager resource
 infernoPager = {
    enabled = false,
    pagersToTrigger = {"safr"}, -- These are the pagers to trigger

Nights Software MDT

This allows you to configure integration with Nights Software MDT

nightsSoftwareMdt = {
            enabled = false,
            resourceName = "night_shifts",

CodeM Dispatch

This allows you to configure integration with CodeM Dispatch

codeMDispatch = {
            enabled = false,
            dispatchType = "Fire",
            dispatchCode = "10-4",
            dispatchJobs = {"fire", "firefighter"},

Last updated

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