Permissions can be enabled in the config.lua file for the /salesign command. If you have also enabled items, users will require the item in their inventory in order to use the /salesign command and permissions will not make a difference.
Permissions = {
EnablePermissions = false,
AcePermissions = {
Enabled = false,
Permissions = {"tracker.use", "tracker.police"}
-- This enables ace permissions on the starchaser
-- We've added ESX integration. All you need to do is enable it below and configure which jobs can use the command
ESX = {
Enabled = false,
CheckJob = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use ESX job check
Jobs = {"police"} -- A user can have any of the following jobs, allowing you to add multiple
-- We've added vRP integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for groups or permissions, or even both
vRP = {
Enabled = false,
CheckGroup = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP group check
Groups = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following groups, meaning you can add different jobs
CheckPermission = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP permission check
Permissions = {"police"} -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
-- We've added QBCore integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for jobs or permissions, or even both
QBCore = {
Enabled = false,
CheckJob = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore job check
Jobs = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs
CheckPermission = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore permission check
Permissions = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
QBX = {
Enabled = false,
CheckJob = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBX job check
Jobs = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs