Please note that this resource is named Star Chase on Cfx Portal / Keymaster. We are unable to rename assets on this system. Please ensure the folder is named policetracker.
All vehicles used with Police Tracker must be setup in the config.lua file. This document will show you how to configure the resource and setting up vehicles was covered in the previous document.
/tracker [install/load/remove/removetracker]
If you have items enabled, you'll need the item in your inventory to either load or install the police tracker. Removing the tracker should return this item back to your inventory.
Install - This installs the tracker on the vehicle in front of you. You must not be inside a vehicle.
Load - This loads a cartridge on the vehicle in front of you, which must already have a police tracker setup on it. You must not be inside a vehicle. You may want to run this command twice to ensure that your police tracker is loaded with two cartridges and ready to be deployed.
Remove - This removes the tracker and cartridges on the vehicle in front of you, which must already have a police tracker setup on it. You must not be inside a vehicle.
Removetracker - This allows you to remove a tracking dart from a target vehicle when stood in front of it, preventing the location of the target vehicle from being updated any further.
Deploying and using
Once you have installed a tracker on your current police vehicle, press X by default to ready/un-ready the police tracker, making it good to deploy. Next, you will see a green line appearing behind target vehicles which shows the possibility for you to deploy the police tracker.
When ready, press Y by default to deploy the police tracker.
Location on map
You will then see the location of the target vehicle updating on your map by a blip, also showing you the numberplate of the target vehicle. If configured, this will also show for other police units online.
controls = {
ready = {0, 73}, -- X by default
deploy = {0, 246}, -- Y by default
This allows you to change the controls to ready and deploy the Police Tracker. For a full list of controls, see the FiveM list here.
blipSettings = {
blipID = 596, -- This is the icon
blipColour = 46, -- This is the colour
blipScale = 1.5, -- This is the size
blipName = "License:" -- This is the text
This section allows you to edit the blip which will be displayed after the tracker is deployed on a target vehicle, showing you their current location and also their number plate.
Main Section
main = {
soundVolume = 0.7, -- Max of 1.0
disableBeeps = true,
timeBetweenUpdates = 5, -- Time between coordinate updates.
developerMode = false,
disableSonoranCad = false, -- Manually disable SonoranCAD integration (If you're using SonoranCAD but do not want to use the integration set to true.)
This section allows you to set the sound volume of the sounds, whether you want beep sounds enabled, the time in seconds between coordinate updates and whether you want developer mode enabled.
Sonoran CAD Integration
By default, Sonoran CAD is fully integrated and no further action is required from yourself. If you'd rather disable Sonoran CAD, just set disableSonoranCad to true in the main section.
Permissions = {
EnablePermissions = false,
AcePermissions = {
Enabled = false,
Permissions = {"tracker.use", "tracker.police"}
-- This enables ace permissions on the starchaser
-- We've added ESX integration. All you need to do is enable it below and configure which jobs can use the command
ESX = {
Enabled = false,
CheckJob = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use ESX job check
Jobs = {"police"} -- A user can have any of the following jobs, allowing you to add multiple
-- We've added vRP integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for groups or permissions, or even both
vRP = {
Enabled = false,
CheckGroup = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP group check
Groups = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following groups, meaning you can add different jobs
CheckPermission = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP permission check
Permissions = {"police"} -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
-- We've added QBCore integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for jobs or permissions, or even both
QBCore = {
Enabled = false,
CheckJob = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore job check
Jobs = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs
CheckPermission = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore permission check
Permissions = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
QBX = {
Enabled = false,
CheckJob = {
Enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBX job check
Jobs = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs
This section allows you to enable permissions for AcePermissions, ESX, vRP, QBCore and QBX. These permissions will operate on the /tracker command if items are not enabled and will also decide who is shown the live location of vehicles which have had a tracker deployed on them.
For example, if you have items enabled and also set QBCore permissions to the police group, anyone with the tracker item will be able to install the tracker, but only users in the police group will be shown the live location of vehicles which currently have a tracker dart attached to them.
Adding custom permissions
The code for our permissions is located in sv_utils.lua and we encourage you to make edits.
This allows you to modify the notifications used for the resource. By default, notifications will be base game notifications shown ontop of the map. However, you may enable a framework/resource such as QBCore, QBX, ESX, vRP or OKOKNotify.
Adding custom notifications
The code for our notifications is located in cl_utils.lua and we encourage you to make edits.
The next section allows you to configure whether inventory items are enabled/disabled. Setting up inventory items is covered in the next page of this documentation.
Discord Logging
Police Tracker has full support for Discord Logging, allowing you to receive logs straight to your Discord channel via a webhook.
After configuring this section, you'll need to add your webhook into the sv_utils.lua file.
The translations section of the config allows you to translate the resource into another language.
translations = {
starChaseCommandHelp = "Install, load and remove police tracker",
starChaseParameterOne = "Action",
starChaseParameterOneHelp = "install/load/remove/removetracker",
invalidStarChaseArguments = "~r~Error~w~: Invalid command arguments.",
noPermission = "~r~Error~w~: You do not have permission to access this command.",
inVehicle = "~r~Error~w~: You must not be in a vehicle.",
noVehicleFound = "~r~Error~w~: No vehicle found.",
vehicleNotAllowed = "~r~Error~w~: This vehicle does not support police tracker.",
cannotPerformAction = "~r~Error~w~: You are unable to perform that action.",
installed = "~g~Success~w~: Police tracker installed.",
installedStarChase = "Installed and Loaded police tracker",
vehicle = "Vehicle: ",
noStarChaseFound = "~r~Error~w~: No police tracker found to load, or full.",
noStarChaseFoundToRemove = "~r~Error~w~: No police tracker found to remove.",
starChaseRemovedPolice = "~r~Tracker Issue~w~: Tracker has not moved in 20 seconds for the vehicle with the plate: ",
starChaseRemovedCriminal = "~g~Success~w~: Tracker removed from vehicle.",
recentlyReloaded = "~r~Error~w~: Please wait for the cooldown to finish.",
loadedStarChase = "Loaded police tracker",
removedStarChase = "Removed police tracker",
press = "Press",
ready = "Police tracker ~g~ready~w~ to deploy.",
unready = "Police tracker ~r~unreadied~w~ to deploy.",
loadedFirst = "Police tracker: ~g~Loaded~w~ the first tracker.",
loadedSecond = "Police tracker: ~g~Loaded~w~ the second tracker.",
loadingPleaseWait = "Loading the tracker...",
noItem = "You do not have the requireds item",
By default, Police Tracker has an animation which is used when installing or removing a police tracker on any vehicle. In this section, you can disable/enable the animation and also adjust the animation used.