Resource Ideas
Got an idea for a new resource or an improvement to an existing resource?
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Got an idea for a new resource or an improvement to an existing resource?
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This page allows you to submit new resource ideas and ideas for improvements to existing resources. This includes integration with frameworks and other third party resources. Our development team review both forms regularly and several of our resources have been created as a result of ideas submitted by our customers!
We're always looking for ideas for new resources at London Studios. To submit an idea for a new resource, fill out this form below with as much detail as possible. If we create your idea, you'll be given a free copy of the resource.
If the form above doesn't work, press here to open it in a new tab.
We're always looking to improve our existing resources at London Studios with frequent updates. If you have an idea for an improvement to an existing resource, fill out the form below with as much detail as possible.
If the form above doesn't work, press here to open it in a new tab.