Lighter Item

We have added integration with QBCore, ESX, vRP and OX Inventory to make a working lighter item:

Enabling the lighter

Head to the config.lua file and set lighterEnabled to true at the top of the file.

Choosing your framework

Below the lighterEnabled option, you can set your desired framework for the lighters:

lighterFramework = {
        oxInventory = false,
        QBCore = false,
        ESX = false,
        vRP = false,

OX_Inventory Lighter:

For ox_inventory, add the following code to ox_inventory/data/items.lua:

['lighter'] = {
        label = 'Lighter',
        weight = 220,
        server = {
            export = 'SmartFires.useLighter',


Add the following code to your vrp/cfg/items.lua file

lighterOptions["Use"] = {function(player,choice)
  local user_id = vRP.getUserId(player)
  if user_id ~= nil then
      TriggerClientEvent("Client:FindNearbyDumpster", source)
["lighter"] = {"Lighter","Lighter",function(args) return lighterOptions end,0.1}

ESX / QBCore

Our resource should have made the item for you, which is called "lighter" - so go and use it!

Last updated

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