Using a Smart Ladder Truck

We've included a Fire Truck with the resource, created by H.Ash from Alien Modding, one of our 3D modellers.

This guide will show you how to get setup using the vehicle. If you're at this point, you should have the resource installed already.

Spawning the vehicle in

Once in-game, you'll need the vehicle spawned in, the spawn code of which is firetruk. You may want to set this up in a VehicleSpawner or even using vMenu.

Once spawned in, it will look empty. This is because our resource hasn't setup the vehicle yet.

Re/Setting up a vehicle

A vehicle can be setup using /setupvehicle, this will install all the necessary moveable parts in the correct position. The player that sets up the vehicle is the only one that can control it, so it is important to remember this. Any player however can enter the cage, which will be discussed later. The setup can be undone by using /resetvehicle, This allows you to re-setup the vehicle.

Entering the cage

Once setup, any player can enter enter the cage of the vehicle (if permissions are setup, this will be restricted).

/entercage - This command allows you to enter the cage of a nearby vehicle.

/exitcage - This command allows you to exit the cage of the vehicle.

Once inside the cage, you are not able to move about and you are attached to the vehicle in a fixed position. You can still use tools such as our hose and spray water down towards a fire.

If you plan to use the hose as part of the cage and also have our supply line resource, you should ensure you are connected to a water source (such as the vehicle) before entering the cage.

Multiple players can enter the cage at once, however they will overlap in the same position. We may look to resolve this in a future update however cage space with models is often limited, so we currently attach them to the same position.

In a future update we may also look to implement water monitors into the end cage.

After exiting the cage, you will be teleported back to the side of the vehicle and detached from it, allowing you to continue roleplay.

Moving the cage

Whilst one player is controlling the vehicle (the one that set it up), another player is able to enter the cage and can be moved about, allowing live communication of a fire from another angle.

Adding other vehicle files

In the future, we hope that other developers will make compatible vehicles with the resource. These may include AlienModding, a British vehicle developer or even Redneck Modifications Ltd, an American vehicle developer.

This guide will show you how to add vehicles you've purchased from them to our resource, SmartLadder.

Vehicle Data File

All vehicles purchased from a third-party should come with a unique file, such as FIRETRUK.lua with all data relating to the moveable parts. This is very similar to receiving an ELS .xml file from a developer, except the format of this is .lua.

As well as streaming the vehicle files (such as YTD, YTF) in a separate resource, you should add this vehicle data file (.lua) diretly to Smart Ladder.

Drag and drop the vehicle data file provided into the vehicles folder within the SmartLadder resource.

This file will provide our resource with information about the vehicle, such as the moveable parts to setup and also the keybinds chosen to move them. You should avoid making changes to this file, except for the keybinds as this has been setup precisely by the vehicle developer.

Vehicle Issues

If you've purchased a vehicle from a third party that is compatible with Smart Ladder and you are experiencing issues with the movements of the vehicle, it is best that you reach out to the third party developer first before contacting our Support Team.

If the developer is experiencing problems getting their vehicle setup properly, they can reach out to our team who can provide further assistance. They can then provide you with an updated and hopefully fixed vehicle data file.


If you're still looking for the part where you learn how to setup vehicles, you're in the right place. Just keep scrolling and we'll get there shortly.

Last updated