Configuring the resource

You can easily open the config_firetools.lua and configure the script to your liking in either notepad, notepad ++ or using Visual Studio Code..

The first section is called main, allowing you to set all of the commands if you wish to change the names of them, eg, change /fan to /ventilator. You can adjust the smoke removal delay to the ventilator fan and the sound volumes for both the spreaders and the fan. You can also enable AcePermissions here, by changing it to true.

Lastly, the translations section allows you to change every message we show to the player. This will allow you to fully translate the script to any language.

main = {
    fanCommand = "fan", 
    stabilisersCommand = "stabilisers",
    spreadersCommand = "spreaders",
    stabilisersModel = `prop_stabilisers`,
    fanModel = `prop_fan_fire`, -- prop_fan_fire
    spreadersModel = `prop_spreaders`,
    smokeRemovalRadius = 50.0,
    animDict = "weapons@heavy@minigun",
    animName = "idle_2_aim_right_med",
    boneId = 57005,
    delaySmokeRemoval = 20, -- delay smoke removal by 20 seconds
    fanSoundDistance = 30.0,
    spreadersSoundDistance = 25.0,
    spreadersSoundVolume = 0.2,
    fanSoundVolume = 0.2,
    commandFan = "fan",
    acePermissionsEnabled = false,
    offSet = {1.0, 0.4, 0.7},
    rotation = {0.0, 220.0, 200.0},

Job check: Each config framework section has an identical sub-section for job checks:

jobCheck = {
    itemsEnabled = { -- If set to true, commands will no longer work. Only available for frameworks
        enabled = false,
        fanItem = "fan",
        spreadersItem = "spreaders",
        stabilisersItem = "stabilisers",
    ESX = {
        enabled = true,
        checkJob = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable this to use ESX job check
            jobs = {"feuerwehr"} -- A user can have any of the following jobs, allowing you to add multiple
    -- We've added vRP integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for groups or permissions, or even both
    vRP = {
        enabled = false,
        checkGroup = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP group check
            groups = {"firefighter"}, -- A user can have any of the following groups, meaning you can add different jobs
        checkPermission = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP permission check
            permissions = {"player.firefighter"} -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
    -- We've added QBCore integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for jobs or permissions, or even both
    QBCore = {
        enabled = false,
        checkJob = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore job check
            jobs = {"firefighter"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs
        checkPermission = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore permission check
            permissions = {"player.firefighter"}, -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple

To add a new job, just wrap it in speech marks "" and separate them with a comma.

This is where you may want to add your ambulance/police job.

Last updated