Decontamination Tent Configuration


You can easily open the config.lua and configure the script to your liking in either notepad, notepad ++ or using Visual Studio Code..

The first section is called main, allowing you to set the following:

main = {
    commandName = "decontent",
    acePermissionsEnabled = false, -- This is ace permissions for the command
    tentModel = `prop_decon_tent`,
    usageDistance = 15.0, -- Distance to turn it on/off
    toggleKey = {0, 38}, --
    cooldown = 3, -- 3 seconds between turning on/off to prevent spam
    defaultHasPermission = true, -- Determines whether someone can toggle on/off water supply (not spawning it in). See server event to trigger if false.
    spawnOffset = {0.0, 10.0, 0.0}, -- The position to spawn the tent in relation to the player
    showerIntensity = 2.0, -- Recommended, try changing it if you like

To change the activation key(toggleKey), replace it with your desired key from here

Job check

Each config framework section has an identical sub-section for job checks:

-- These are the job checks for the /decontent command and also the ability to toggle on/off the tents
jobCheck = {
    ESX = {
        enabled = true,
        checkJob = {
            enabled = true, -- Enable this to use ESX job check
            jobs = {"fire", "police"} -- A user can have any of the following jobs, allowing you to add multiple
    -- We've added vRP integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for groups or permissions, or even both
    vRP = {
        enabled = false,
        checkGroup = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP group check
            groups = {"fire", "admin"}, -- A user can have any of the following groups, meaning you can add different jobs
        checkPermission = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP permission check
            permissions = {"player.kick"} -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
    -- We've added QBCore integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for jobs or permissions, or even both
    QBCore = {
        enabled = false,
        checkJob = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore job check
            jobs = {"fire"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs
        checkPermission = {
            enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore permission check
            permissions = {"god"}, -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple

Last updated