Configuring the resource

Resource Settings

    developerMode = true,

    -- Commands by default:
    -- /salesign install - installs car sign in the vehcile you are currently sat in
    -- /salesign remove - removes sign from the vehicle you are currently sat in
    -- /salesign edit <price> - sets price of the sign you are sat in

    -- If set to true, signs will update live as they are edited - this is less efficient, and we recommend disabling this if you notice performance issues
    -- For most servers enabling this option will be fine.
    updateSignsLive = true,

    useMythicNotify = false,

    usingPermissions = false,

    commands = {
        commandName = "salesign",
        description = "Install a car sales sign on any vehicle",
        subCommands = {
            install = "install",
            remove = "remove",
            edit = "edit",

updateSignsLive = true, when this is set to true this will allow you to see the price change live on the physical sign in the vehicle, if you are experiencing performance issues with this please change this to false.

useMythicNotify = false, this will allow you to have the notification system through the resource mythic notify resource.

usingPermissions = false, this will use the permissions under the job check system if you do not wish to use this please change false to true.

commandName = "salesign", when wanting to change the command for this script you can change the "salesign".

install = "install", you can change the installation subcommand here, if you don't wish to have /salesign install you can change the install.

remove = "remove", you can replace the "remove" subcommand with the command you prefer.

edit = "edit", you can change the command to edit the sign in the vehicle.

Messages Translations

    -- These are the notification messages that will be displayed to the user
    messages = {
        noPermission = "You do not have permission to use this command.",
        noSignInstalled = "There is no sale sign installed in this vehicle.",
        signAlreadyInstalled = "There is already a sale sign installed in this vehicle.",
        priceUpdated = "Vehicle price updated successfully",
        signInstalled = "New sale sign installed on this vehicle.",
        signRemoved = "Sale sign removed from this vehicle.",
        invalidCommandUsage = "Invalid usage. Correct usage: /salesign [install/remove/edit]",
        mustBeInVehicle = "You must be in a vehicle to use this command.",
        nowEditingSign = "You are now editing the sale sign on this vehicle.",
        signEditComplete = "Sign editing complete.",
        cantInstall = "Cannot install a sale board on this vehicle.", -- Used when vehicle is convertible and roof is down
        mustBeDriver = "You must be in the driver seat to manage the sale sign."

When changing the language or the translation of anything with the messages, you can change the messages within the quotation marks.

Restrict Vehicle Classes

    -- These classes of vehicle cannot have a sale sign attached to them /
    restrictedVehicleClasses = {

If you want to restrict a vehicle class from having the sale signs installed then place the vehicle class in the restrictedVehicleClasses you can find the class IDs here when adding multiple vehicle classes you will do "18, 19, 20" and just doing one you will do "20"

Last updated