Configuring the resource
We've made it simple to configure Smart Clamp
We've added support for QBCore, ESX and vRP permissions straight out of the box. To enable permissions for any of these, navigate to the jobCheck = { section of the config.lua file and enable your relevant framework. You are also able to specify job names, for example:
Lock Pick
Lock picking will work if you have setup the item with a supported inventory. The lock pick settings can be found in the main section of the config.lua file, allowing you to set the success rate and lockpick time.
To translate the resource into another language, just navigate to the config.lua file and find the translations section, allowing you to make the necessary changes to notifications, chat commands and suggestions.
We have support for base GTA notifications and mythic notify, which can be enabled in the main section of the config.lua file.
If you have a custom notification resource, just open cl_utils.lua and make the necessary changes.
Last updated