Configuring the resource
You can easily open the config.lua and configure the script to your liking. (Using notepad, notepad ++ or Visual Studio Code.)
The first section is called main, allowing you to set the following:
main = {
commandName = "shield",
commandChatSuggestion = "Use a police shield",
parameterType = "Shield Type", -- Use this to change to a different language
acePermissionsEnabled = false, --If true, this enables ace permissions
enableDeveloperCommand = true, -- Toggle the developer command (/shieldposition) which can assist in positioning the shields
networkedWhenDeveloping = true, -- Toggle whether the shield is synced to other players when using the shieldposition command
developerBoneIndex = 24818, -- The bone index to attach the shield to when using the shield position command
developerCollision = true, -- Whether collision should be enabled when using the shield position command
offSetMovement = 0.009,
rotationMovement = 0.7,
developerAnimDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
developerAnimName = "180",
Job check:
Each config framework section has an identical sub-section for job checks:
jobCheck = {
ESX = {
enabled = true,
checkJob = {
enabled = true, -- Enable this to use ESX job check
jobs = {"police", "fire"} -- A user can have any of the following jobs, allowing you to add multiple
-- We've added vRP integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for groups or permissions, or even both
vRP = {
enabled = false,
checkGroup = {
enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP group check
groups = {"police", "admin"}, -- A user can have any of the following groups, meaning you can add different jobs
checkPermission = {
enabled = false, -- Enable this to use vRP permission check
permissions = {"player.kick"} -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
-- We've added QBCore integration. All you need to do is enable it below. Then, configure if you wish to check for jobs or permissions, or even both
QBCore = {
enabled = false,
checkJob = {
enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore job check
jobs = {"police"}, -- A user can have any of the following jobs, meaning you can add different jobs
checkPermission = {
enabled = false, -- Enable this to use QBCore permission check
permissions = {"god"}, -- A user can have any of the following permissions, allowing you to add multiple
To add a new job, just wrap it in speech marks "" and separate them with a comma.
This is where you may want to add your ambulance/police job.
The Shields
-- Shield Names must be one word for command usage
-- eg /shield ballistic
shields = {
name = "Firearms",
model = `bv_shield1`,
offSet = {-0.081, 0.432, 0.0},
rotation = {0.7, 0.0, 180.6},
boneIndex = -1,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "CTSFO",
model = `bv_shield2`,
offSet = {0.0, 0.387, 0.0},
rotation = {0.0, 0.0, 185.5},
boneIndex = -1,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "Small",
model = `bv_shield3`,
offSet = {0.0, 0.288, 0.0},
rotation = {0.0, 0.0, 163.1},
boneIndex = -1,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "Long",
model = `bv_shield4`,
offSet = {0.045, 0.405, -0.108},
rotation = {0.7, -0.7, 171.5},
boneIndex = -1,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "CTSFO2",
model = `prop_shield_one`,
offSet = {-0.59, 0.29, 0.15},
rotation = {0.16, 79.04, 41.39},
boneIndex = 24818,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "Firearms2",
model = `prop_shield_two`,
offSet = {-0.59, 0.29, 0.15},
rotation = {0.16, 79.04, 41.39},
boneIndex = 24818,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "Long2",
model = `prop_shield_three`,
offSet = {-1.2, 0.31, -0.05},
rotation = {1.0, 74.39, 41.39},
boneIndex = 24818,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
name = "Short2",
model = `prop_shield_four`,
offSet = {-0.68, 0.22, 0.15},
rotation = {0.52, 79.28, 41.39},
boneIndex = 24818,
collision = true,
animDict = "combat@combat_reactions@pistol_1h_hillbilly",
animName = "180",
Last updated