Using the resource

Water Mode

Using SmartHose is easy, to begin just run the /hose command and you'll be given the hose weapon. To begin shooting water, just fire the weapon.

After you stop shooting water, there will be a one second delay before you can shoot again. This is to prevent any issues with particles and this can be edited in the config.lua file.

Foam Mode

To switch to foam mode, you'll firstly need to be in water mode. Just run the /foam command once you are in water mode to switch. Once you start firing, the particles should be different and you should notice a foam effect appearing on the ground in front of you.

Adjusting Pressure

On either the water or foam mode, you can use arrow up and arrow down whilst shooting to adjust the pressure. This will make the particles bigger or smaller. There is a maximum and minimum pressure value in the config to prevent an unrealistic sized pressure.

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